Heroes and Adventurers


These are brief descriptions of heroic adventurers of the Middle World.


Half-Elf - Sorcerer  - Male - 15 years old
     Anden was left as a baby on the steps of a foundling home in Majirah. An orphaned Half-Elf, life didn't go so smoothly for the young boy, and he found himself raised by the streets and Tanzim gangs of Majirah's underbelly. When rivalries with his gang leader became hot, Anden hit the road.
     For two years young Anden helped watch caravans on their travels. When his life was threatened by highwaymen, Anden suddenly retaliated with a burst of magical fire, discovering he had a sorcerous gift. Alas, this made Anden an outsider yet again, and he left the caravan to pursue his new gifts. Having sufficiently honed them, the young boy of fifteen set out for the edges of the Majirahan Kingdom, arriving one day in Rhotas Barav.
     Throughout the adventure, it's been discovered that Anden was a child of the Elder Elves, a reclusive, magical elf people that lived in the lost city of Adanir. The group has traveled to Adanir in the hopes of recruiting the elves to their cause against a possible Naga threat, as well as to learn more about Anden's past. 

Human - Paladin - Male - 33 years old (23 originally)
   Ardeshir Rouhani was raised communally in a mid-sized city centered around a single dar-e mehr (place of worship). All the children of the city are raised by the temple, and as such Ardeshir has no connection to his biological parents. The dar-e mehr paid tribute to the protective silver dragon Amun-Bal.
     He was raised to respect law and order and follow the basic tenets: Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta (Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds).
     At 18 those who remain at the temple are sent away on sojourns of self discovery and to spread the good thoughts, good words, and good deeds of the temple. Ardeshir is about halfway through this journey.
     Ardeshir has frequently been the voice of action for the party, trying to maintain a balance of doing what is right in the context of not harming innocents as well as rooting out the evils plaguing the Middle World. Through his magic he discovered the Haritacandra were unwillingly under the influence of the Nagas. He has also suffered from the effects of a ghost's horrifying visage, aging ten years.

Wood Elf - Druid - Female - 108 years old
In Progress.

Halfling - Rogue - Male - Age?
In progress. 

Half-Elf - Cleric - Male - 99 years old (looks 29)
     Arashnino Maru was raised in the capital city of Taishan by his mother. Eventually his father came from him and told him his patriarchal heritage: he was from the city of Adanir, the home of the Elder Elves, and Maru's father, Rouku, wanted him to return to carry on the family tradition: serving as shugenja of the Celestial of rain and storms, Kui
     After spending 10 years in Adanir, Maru fled Adanir back eastward. He  ended up joining a militia,  avoiding his birthright. However, when his unit came under attack and Maru was left dying, Kui came to him and told he couldn't run from his duty: the Celestial bestowed new life into the young shugenja. Renewed with a sense of purpose, Maru went back toward Adanir to re-establish his duty and destiny.
     Maru joined the party while they traveled through through the Sacanno Mountains, helping them navigate the ruins of Abizad and the Grave Pass. His knowledge of the Celestials has proven useful in avoiding some encounters.

Human - Barbarian - Male 
Steiger was from the wild Northlands and, like Elaria, a proponent of combating the darkness afflicting the natural Middle World. While en route to Adanir, he angered the stone giant Gadadhara and met his end. He is missed.


Wood Elf - Monk - Male - Age?
     Failn does not shy away from labor or pain. His belief is that taking on tasks handed to him by others not only demonstrates the worth of his philosophies, but also that each challenge brings him closer to the breadth of experience required to grasp the true nature of the world.
     While young, Failn joined a group of ascetic monks and trained in the ways of strengthening the body and mind.  Grappling with their philosophy and the known world, Failn left the monks to travel east and create his own connection between spirit and world.
     Failn seems to reserved, taking in as much information as possible before arriving at a decision. He avoids rashness and emotional traps this way, but lingers on philosophizing through problems.
     Failn's early deeds earned him notoriety in Rhotas and Majirah as "The Whirlwind." This has put him under the scrutiny of a group called The Five Rings, who sent Yamano Hyuga to test the monk. Hyuga won their duel, but Failn has not let it stop him. Throughout the Middle World the various monasteries begin to hear of his deeds. He also helped track down the Haritacandra bandit Joren, placing himself secretly in Tahirah's court.
     Failn became petrified by the cursed medusa Avan in the Hanging Gardens while the party was en route to the Citadel of the Winds. Unable to move the heavy stone body, the party left him (for now) to continue their quest for the brass vessel containing the Air Djinn-Lord.