Friday, January 26, 2018

Adventure 20: The Deserts

Taking leave of Koso-Mehr, the party headed east into the Wastelands of Falak, the raging desert lands separating the tamer kingdom of Majirah from the rich Empire of Taishan.

Rumors of the temple-city of Sir-ahz, an oasis in the desert, claimed one could find respite from the hot sun by following illusory footsteps, if the temple-city's protectors deemed travelers worthy. While asleep one night in their journey, Anden was woken by a yearning call from the north of the desert, a pull towards Zenith/Nadir.

On the road, the group encountered Yuru, a bard outcast from Sir-ahz that served a patron dragon named Aozumi. He claimed Aozumi would one day rise to combat Ziz/Zuu, the great bird that watches over the Tower of Zenith/Nadir, and rule the Wastelands.

Believing Aozumi (rightgully) to be self-serving and perhaps evil, the party read Yuru's intentions as wrong, however, and combat ensued. Yuru was slain, and Anden explained his pull toward the great towers that bridged the Middle World with the heavens and hells.

After discussion, the party decided to venture north to the Tower of Zenith/Nadir to investigate Anden's magical draw.

Adventure 19: The Silver Guardian

The party returned to Majirah with the brass vessel, unsure of its safety in the desert kingdom. Ardeshir Rouhani offered that the vessel be brought north to his patron and liege, the silver dragon Amon-Bal.

Before they departed Majirah, Ardeshir was attacked by a possessed city guard -- the guard had been sent by the Naga envoy Shanya, whom the party had chased from the city before their adventure to the Gardens. (This is the same Naga who almost killed Ichirou and had been controlling Abanazzar the vizier.)
At this time Suha had left the party, saying she would travel east back to Ubar, the home of the nomadic djinn.

The party traveled east to the Giant's Way, the great stone bridge that separated Majirah from the vast, harsh Wasteland desert. There they found guards also under Shanya's influence, but were able to cure them and then learn that Shanya was moving east to the Empire of Taishan.

The party traveled north to Ardeshir's home of Koso-Mehr to relieve themselves of the Air Djinn Lord's brass vessel before pursuing Shanya. After spending time in the temple-city of Koso-Mehr, and the party being asked to speak of Ardeshir's character and journey (and explain his early return from his pilgrimage), the group traversed the pass to Ghabrin, the ancient fortress where Amon-Bal dwells high in the mountains.

Amon-Bal was pleased with Ardeshir's decision to entrust him with the brass vessel, and tasked him with returning more such relics into his protection. He smelled the stench of his rival, Annayur the Gold, on Maru and even more mysterious dragon-blood in Anden, but he was welcoming to the party.

After returning to Koso-Mehr, Ardeshir asked the town clerics to partner with their allies in the Dwarf city of Garm to send a scouting party north to the volcanic lands of Mount Mu, where the brass vessel containing the Fire Djinn Lord was rumored to be hidden. The party would vneture east to Taishan, to enlist the aid of Emperor Nobukazu against the Naga and learn more about the Djinn.

Adventure 18: The Citadel of the Winds

After going through the portal in the Hanging Gardens, the party found themselves in the Citadel of the Winds -- the ruins of the ancient home of the wind djinn. The city of blueish stone floated above the Middle World, prowled by pteradons and griffin.

As the party explored, they discovered dikramaa -- memory points where they could interact with the past. Some of these encounters proved to be vital visions of the ancient Citadel, and some proved to be harrowing memories of the adventurers themselves.

The memory points revisited a time when a young girl named Anju caught a wind kami named Akara. Akara fed on memory and faith and grew large and powerful, and Anju became enthralled in his power. Around this same time, Kazim the Abjurer was visiting the Sky Caliph Djinn Lord of the Air, and would later seal him away in the brass vessel.

The party eventually arrived at the Sky Caliph's main citadel, and faced Akara.  Akara had grown massive and threatened the mortals now in his realm. Fearing they could not best him in direct confrontation, the party made a deal with Akara, and some gave up memories to the wind kami in exchange for the brass vessel.

Anden gave up memory of the mean streets of Majirah where he grew up, losing his ability to navigate them quickly. Arashino Maru gave up memories of revisiting his mother (and her family) after his time spent in Adanir with his father, forgetting he had family in the Middle World.

In the end, the party reclaimed the (heavy) brass vessel and left the Citadel of the Winds before it closed off for another year.