Sunday, November 13, 2016

Adventure 14: The Vizier and the Naga

With Ardeshir at the front of the argument of not needing to take the vizier's life, the group talked Shah Khalid into agreeing to pardon the vizier if they could break the Naga's influence over him. The Shah agreed with them that a Majirah with Abanazar would be stronger against the Naga threat.

It was agreed that Abanazar was meeting with someone in order to dictate orders to the VIPER tanzim, who were doing the dirty work in the streets of the city. Ichirou and Anden followed the vizier late at night to a secret meeting with a cloaked woman. When the two parted, Ichirou followed the woman and Anden pursued Abanazar.

Abanazar met with the Vipers in an abandoned building within the city. Anden watched for anything suspicious, while meanwhile Ichirou followed the cloaked woman into a residence. Ichirou followed and was hit with a hidden trap -- a poisoned needle -- and the woman attacked. Revealing herself to be a Naga, she threatened the halfling's life. Only the timely save by Maru, Elaria, and Failn prevented Ichirou's death, who was delirious from the poison. The Naga envoy, named SHANYA, escaped into the night.

With one road dead, the party reconnected with Anden and went to see the Vipers. Within the Vipers' warehouse they found evidence of all the collected maps and information on the Hanging Gardens that the Vipers were searching for Abanazar. The party dispatched them and tried to keep them alive, but slips of the tongue led to them silencing all the Vipers, while they simply waited for Abanazar's arrival....

  • Abanazar, under the control of the Naga, meets with the Vipers in order to sift through artifacts of the desert in order to find the Hanging Gardens.
  • The Naga envoy controlling Abanazar is a woman named Shanya.

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