Sunday, March 20, 2016

ADANIR: Notable NPCs and Places


Adanir is ruled by Lord SHIVAN, the Elder Elf King. The Kings of Adanir are infused with power by a pact with the gold dragon ANNAYUR. The elven society is strictly reclusive, a vast store of magic and might, but sworn by Annayur not to care about the Middle World.

After the destruction of Behemoth, Annayur saw that other mortals had a negative impact on the elves, and they locked themselves away to study life and its secrets in seclusion. Though they wield great magic, they are trapped in their own prison. It is forbidden to leave Adanir, by punishment of death.

Adanir is protected by the Order of Golden Disciples, monks sworn to uphold Annayur’s will (which is protecting his children, as he is bonded with the royal family).
The Golden Order is led by JAYAN, who inherited the position from his father. Jayan thought your party was being honest and noble in its quest to help the Middle World. He informed Anden of the young elf's noble birthright, and helped train Failn in some more monastic regimens.

Shivan's councilor is a crow-headed Tengu named SAMOUJIROU. Samoujirou is distrustful of the
party, believing you may be spies or assassins. The Tengu live on the slopes of Mt. Ara, the tallest peak around the valley, where Annayur dwells.

The court librarian and chief scholar is TABARI. Tabari is a green-scaled Dragonborn, a creature whose presence is unique among the kingdoms. Dragonborn are not known to exist, and Tabari is something of a curiosity. He's rather grateful that Adanir is so used to him and shut off from the Middle World, so that he does not draw unwanted attention.

Adanir's people are still master craftsmen and enchanters, and magical items can be bargained for there more easily that some of the other kingdoms.
Its people are devoted to the Celestials, who were a notable part of Adanir's court before the city closed its gates. Many priests (called shugenja) still maintain these temples because it is important to the functioning of the city. Of notable concern are the temples devoted to:
  • Ashnan, the Farmer, whose shugenja oversee the valley's crops and sustenance. Maru's childhood friend Chou is a shugenja for Ashnan.
  • Nidaba, the Scholar, who entrusted the royal library to Tabari. The library houses any number of divine spells.
  •  Kujaku, the Peacock-King's protege was the seeress Uhr-Mina. Kujaku helped created the time distortion surrounding the valley.
  • The temple to Kui, Celestial of rain and storms, is where your party's cleric, Arashino Maru, was trained. His father, ARASHINO ROUKU, is a respected head of the order.

Adanir has access to the outside world via a special trade route to the peninsula south of the mountains.

It should be noted that Shivan's sister, ENILA, was killed pleading against Shivan's isolationist movement. Enila was revealed to Anden to be his mother, so Anden (birthname of Namtar) is a prince of Adanir, and Shivan's nephew. According to Jayan, Shivan (and possibly the city) would not react well to this news, and so Anden keeps his true identity secret.

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